Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 6 Awards...

Good job out there yesterday... totally came back and dominated the 'humps'... some awards...

MVP: Joe "homerun" Donnelly... man, your parents really called that one when they named you. Well played buddy. Nothing like a little homerun to put the other team on the defensive.... even if you did fall over in left field trying to get a ball that was hit right to you....

Honorable Mention: Jennie Martucci... A couple of key catches that really shut the black team down. We won't talk about your 'buckneresque' moment where the ball when through your legs (there has to be a good joke in there somewhere)....

2nd mention: Kelly Greenly... key catch in the outfield.... nice play, kelly..

Sweetest moves: Danny Brehm? What sealed it for me is when that chick had a little chip shot and danny comes out of nowhere to catch it... the other team is complaining that he was in front of the batter.... but not so much.... the best was when castillo said, "man, danny would be dangerous if he was wearing cleats". good job dan-o....

Most consistent: Jessi... As usual, she scores the first run... it is pretty much clockwork.. keep up the good work.

Best no show: Paul. Seriously, man... show up to work and get your sh*t done so that you can get to the field, or even the bar.... you are killing me... plus how is that 'stache supposed to get any if you don't take it out sometime?

Dirtiest Bunter: Vance... i have never seen anyone who only kicks the ball about 2 feet in front of the plate that can consistently outrun the throw from the catcher... nice!

Worst Flip Cup player: Rob... i am sorry guys... thankfully the rest of the team carried me so that we still won more than we lost, but i was a liability last night.. i am going to go ahead and blame it on the fact that is was a balmy 1.2 million degrees down in the pit... Next time i will just stick to coaching....

Most likely to bring 'em young: Julie Martucci... she didn't even take down the 23 year old she was hanging with last night... my theory is that she is keeping her game tight by keeping up on the latest in power rangers, TMMT, etc.. she is going to need it this weekend when she 'meets the parents' of the 17 year old (he might be 18, not sure)... nice...

Best 1-4-24 player: Rob... i somehow won like $35 last night... i didn't think that it was possible, but whatever... i should have just gone to tahoe (ken, were you 'up in tahoe' last night?)

Worst shuffleboard players: Joe and his girl, katie... They got stomped by Jessi and I (who then got stomped by julie and her young friend)...

Best late night spot: KT's... As always, a great place to end the night with sean playing sing along songs ... how can you go wrong... it was all totally worth the hangover that i have right now....

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