Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Apparently the first go around between the Blackouts and KIAB didn't sit well with some of the KIABers... So, i suppose that it is time to start the shit talking machine up again....  

The latest volley from their court is accusing us of somehow cheating in our game against them. I am curious as to how we had time to cheat in between allowing them one baserunner on the night and putting up 5 runs to their goose egg.  I am sure however we cheated made the difference.

We will see you guys in playoffs!  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this Chunk character did is reaveal how pathetic he truly is. He'd be better off working on this move before the playoffs...

A truly amazing Truffle Shuffle, as his name implies he should excel at, might just distract the Blackouts enough to get a KiaB player to second base...